Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Vishwa Guru Bharat

Lost India: Now days we hear people saying "India has lost its history; nothing can happen to India now”. So for those people I would like to say India is as it is today but Indians have lost their bhartiyata. Today India is respected not Indians. People come to India from all across the world to learn about the great Indian history and its scriptures. But at the same time they don't respect Indians. This is a question to ponder about. Are we westernizing ourselves whereas rest of the world is turning towards Indian culture? Recently I attended a function organized by RSS Guru Pooja where following were discussed: “In Philadelphia there is Liberty Bell which cracked when it was rung for the first time in 1752”. There is a bell in Thanjaur temple, India which is 1000 years old and still ringing. So we need to think when America dint even know about metallurgy India was master in that.  We need to introspect the reason behind America being ahead of India today. Most of the Indians are unaware of Bhagwat Geeta and other scriptures. How can we build a Shrestha Bharat without understanding our great rich history? How come we can build our next generation which respects our country & culture? Aren’t we responsible for this? How many of us today want our kids to do masters in Hindi/Sanskrit? We all are like running on the treadmill of life to match the speed of life otherwise we are sacred that we will fall down. Now it’s up to us to decide if we really want to give same race of life to our next generations or we want them to take India to great heights of recognition and make India Vishwa Guru in true sense by restoring its rich history and knowledge which is on the verge of being lost.  

1 comment:

  1. Good one Hari bhai :-) You have expressed the right sentiments in few words beautifully. It is this fervor which is required in each and every Bharateeya and that is our goal too. That will only be the first step and actions thereafter will determine the future of our civilization.

    Wish you right more often :-)
